6 research outputs found

    Novel PID Controller on Battery Energy Storage Systems for Frequency Dynamics Enhancement

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    Frequency dynamics is one of the important aspects of power system stability. From the frequency dynamics, the operator could plan how is the reliability of the electricity. The frequency can be maintained by controlling the balance between load demand and generation. To maintain the balance of the generation, the governor is playing an important role to increase the speed of the turbine and enhance the generating capacity of the generator (ramp-up). However, as the speed of the governor is slower than the increasing load demand, in the sub-transient area, the frequency may experience higher overshoot. Hence, it is important to add additional devices such as battery energy storage systems to enhance the frequency dynamics response in the sub-transient area. One of the important parts of storage is the controller. The controller must make sure the storage charges and discharge energy are in the sub-transient area. Hence PID controller can be the solution to make the storage operate optimally This paper proposed a novel PID controller on battery energy storage systems (BESS) to enhance the dynamics performance of frequencies. The five-area power system is used as the test system to investigate the efficacy of the proposed novel idea. Time domain simulation is investigated to see the improvement of the frequency dynamics response. From the simulation results, it is found that adding a PID controller on BESS could enhance the BESS response and result in frequency dynamics response improvement

    Noise Reduction on The Use of Different Ground Model on The EMI Filter of Reading LED Lighting for Passenger Train

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    Initial measurement showed that reading LED lighting used in this experiment produced excessive conducted emissions (CE). EMC filter is needed to suppress the CE noise. The LED light is AC powered through a two-wire cable without ground wire, whereas the EMC filter does have ground. Experiments were conducted to find out the attenuation effect of different filter’s grounding connection methods. Four cases of grounding connections are measured and compared, i.e. unconnected ground, earth-connected ground, chassis-connected ground, and additional ground plate. Measurements showed that chassis-connected ground had the strongest attenuation effect. Also, for the additional ground plate configuration, it turned out  that larger plates exhibited stronger attenuation compared to smaller plates.Keywords : LED driver, EMC Filter, grounding, impedance, common mod

    Noise Reduction on The Use of Different Ground Model on The EMI Filter of Reading LED Lighting for Passenger Train

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    Initial measurement showed that reading LED lighting used in this experiment produced excessive conducted emissions (CE). EMC filter is needed to suppress the CE noise. The LED light is AC powered through a two-wire cable without ground wire, whereas the EMC filter does have ground. Experiments were conducted to find out the attenuation effect of different filters grounding connection methods. Four cases of grounding connections are measured and compared, i.e. unconnected ground, earth-connected ground, chassis-connected ground, and additional ground plate. Measurements showed that chassis-connected ground had the strongest attenuation effect. Also, for the additional ground plate configuration, it turned out that larger plates exhibited stronger attenuation compared to smaller plates. Keywords : LED driver, EMC Filter, grounding, impedance, common mod


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    Pada pengujian kompatibilitas elektromagnetik khususnya pada pengukuran near field, pengukuran medan magnet sangat diperlukan. Salah satu alat pengukuran yang digunakan adalah magnetic loop probe.  Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan loop probe pada jumlah sisi geometrinya, dan belum ada referensi yang membahas tentang topik ini. Magnetic loop probe didesain dalam tujuh bentuk geometri yaitu bentuk segi 3 (ada dua model), segi 4, segi 6, segi 8, segi 10, dan segi tak hingga (lingkaran) dimana parameter keliling geometrinya sama. Magnetic loop probe didesain dengan menggunakan perhitungan sebagai small loop antenna Karateristik kelima desain probe dianalisis dengan mengukur S21 sebagai sensitivitas menggunakan Vector Network Analyzer. Karateristik bentuk probe maupun gain dan sensitivitasnya  dibahas dalam makalah ini